Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Week 2 Thing 4

This seemed a little backwards - I couldn't post until I had registered, but now I'm posting about registering. It doesn't take much to confuse me. But this is a kick!


Homer said...

I love your blog name. I can't wait to you start flickr. Maybe you'll post some pics of Merlot and Luna. I guess now everyone will know who you are since I posted your babies' names. Oh Well!

Trudy said...

Hi! Tag, you're it! Please click on trudy and then click on my blog Trulytryintrudy! to see what it's all about. Have fun completing the activity. (Please do not use the TrulyTryinTrudy! account. Thanks!)

Ellen said...

Changing the order of the "Things" was one of the suggestions at a recent review of the program with the rest of the state's particpant systems. One system had a "kick-off" where they learned a little bit about a couple of the things and then actually had help setting up their blog. I'm still on the fence about whether helping would have been good or not. People gain so much confidence from doing it themselves. That's actually one of the main things I want people to get from this program.